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Irreplaceable handbook, as well as a university textbook on the authentic acquaintance of integral I..
A vivid hermeneutics and continuity of the Guenionian tradition in connection with the crisis of mod..
Scientific communications and analytical writings in the sense of traditional philosophy on the defe..
Islam is presented in this book not only as an important religion, but also as a basis for the build..
A deep penetration and unusual paths to a right understanding of the history, the contents and the e..
A ring from the chain of the works bearing the burden of the social and spiritual crisis of the men ..
Një libër për një qasje të re ndaj kapitalizmit. Editorët do të thonë se “estetikja” në kapitalizm..
Një libër për studiuesit e marrëdhënieve ndërkombëtare, por edhe për të gjithë ata të interesuar për..
A study on the Koranic ayats concerning the psychological conviction, clearly showing their compatib..
Një përmbledhje intervistash me sociologë nga Britania, SHBA, Turqia, Kroacia, India, Hong Kongu, Si..
In this work are analyzed laity, pluralism, the freedom of consciousness, individualism, as main pro..
Vepra e Usame Ibn Munkidhit (1095-1188) paraqet një përmbledhje kujtimesh të një ushtari- dëshmitari..
The author analyses the notions of globalization, coexistence, theo-monism, holy places, and the per..
The book is a scientific analysis of the problems with which are faced non-Macedonian pupils durin t..
The book is a scientific analysis of the problems with which are faced non-Macedonian pupils during ..